viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

"Seven Complex Lessons for Education in the Future"

The diagram uploaded here contains information about different lessons for Education in the future. Edgard Morin, the author of the book, "Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future" describes the following lessons in detail: I. "Detecting error and illusion" II. "Principles of pertinent knowledge" III. "Teaching the human condition" IV. "Earth identity" V. " Confronting uncertainties" VI. "Understanding each other" VII. "Ethics for the human genre" With my classmates, We only worked on four of the lessons, and then we designed a mind map in Cacoo: The diagram was made in a program called "CACOO". It is an online service that can be used in order to create, share and publish different diagrams. By using ""CACOO", you could create a collaborative group with all your students. This is an amazing tool, since teachers could adopt it in their classrooms. Besides,it can be used as a perfect way of summarizing different topics under study. All your students could participate as well as add or correct pieces of information at the same time. Working with "CACOO" seems like students and teachers are in the same room, at the same time. I consider that students from level B1 up to C2 as well as adults could perfectly work with this tool.


"SlideShare" offers users the possibility of sharing their presentations with all the World. Besides presentations, SlideShare allows users to upload documents, PDFs and Videos. This page becomes really useful since you could organize all your work in it. This presentation was prepared for a group of 3rd year students of English. The idea behind this, is to help my students to develop their language skill. In it, there were proposed for different topics (Television, Hobbies, Fun and Adventure) related to "hopes and dreams" for them to choose one and plan a dialogue. The activity was really interesting and students were glad to work with it. In this case, I decided to prepare such a presentation for them in order to make the class more dinamic by introducing technology in the classroom and also, as a wonderful way of leaving the whiteboard aside. In addition, using such a tool help me to organize my classes, and it also allows me to manage time better.

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Collages and Banners

These collages were done with a programm called "BEFUNKY".As you can see, my collages are about classrooms and the idea behind this is to transmit to all of you that it does not matter the place where you are or the people you are with,all that really cares is that you can learn dispate the adversities. BEFUNKY is an amazing tool that allows you to edit your photos, create collages, and personalized your pictures the way you like the most. It also offers you the possibility to choose the color you want,to add some inscription in your collages or photos, to insert some emojis, to select different effects, among other changes. Without a doubt, you have to prove it right now! It is wonderful!!!

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

"Ubiquitous Learning"

Probably you are asking yourself, what is the meaning of ubiquitous learning?. Well, let me tell you that this kind of learning is closely associated with mobile technology, since people can access the internet in order to acquire the knowlegde and the connections needed inside and outside the classrooms at any time. As Nicholas Burbules explains in the video, ubiquituos learning will carry sociocultural changes among students, since teachers could create a cultural environment in which students can practice, share and learn at the same time they use their cell phones. How could it be possible? By inserting in them glossaries, dictionaries, guides, among others sources. Without doubt, ubiquitous learning will help students in the process of learning, and it will foster the developing of a critical thinking.

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Patch Adams y paya médicos en Iquitos, Amazonas peruano

El siguiente vídeo fue grabado en Perú, y podemos dar cuenta de las necesidades diarias que sufre dicha población.El mismo nos permite ver aquella parte de la sociedad que se deja de lado. Nos revela un mundo no tan ajeno a lo que podemos percibir y/o vivir en nuestro país, pero que lamentablemente no se tiene en cuenta. Estos ángeles vestidos de paya médicos que podemos observar en el vídeo, de alguna forma se acercan a los habitantes de Iquitos con el fin de apoyarlos, ayudarlos, entretenerlos, y motivarlos a seguir adelante siempre con un sonrisa. Sin lugar a duda, este vídeo nos lleva a reflexionar en nuestro accionar y nos permite tambien buscar la forma de ayudar a los mas necesitados. Muchas veces hay que dejar la arrogancia de lado y educar a los nuestros con respecto a la idea de que tener el mejor celular, la ropa del momento o el mejor auto no te hace mejor persona.