viernes, 28 de abril de 2017


"SlideShare" offers users the possibility of sharing their presentations with all the World. Besides presentations, SlideShare allows users to upload documents, PDFs and Videos. This page becomes really useful since you could organize all your work in it. This presentation was prepared for a group of 3rd year students of English. The idea behind this, is to help my students to develop their language skill. In it, there were proposed for different topics (Television, Hobbies, Fun and Adventure) related to "hopes and dreams" for them to choose one and plan a dialogue. The activity was really interesting and students were glad to work with it. In this case, I decided to prepare such a presentation for them in order to make the class more dinamic by introducing technology in the classroom and also, as a wonderful way of leaving the whiteboard aside. In addition, using such a tool help me to organize my classes, and it also allows me to manage time better.

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